Outdoor Survival Tips
What does survival mean to you?
1. persist, succeed. Survive, outlive refer to remaining alive longer than someone else or after some event. Survive usually means to succeed in keeping alive against odds, to live after some event that has threatened one: to survive an automobile accident.
What do you do for survival?
If you are wild adventure enthusiasts, expedition enthusiasts or just love to spend time outdoors, you may want to read this.
The Outdoor Survival Tips, you need to know……..

No one is safe from getting lost in the forest, lacking time to go down a wall after a difficult
climb or come face to face with a bear at the turn of a hiking trail. Do not panic, with our guide and survival kits and you will now have all the keys to get out of it
We are not a military surplus or a generalist outdoor site, because it’s not just about selling
a pair of boots or a jacket, anyone can do it on a marketplace, It’s about bringing you
Professional Solutions that quickly meet the specific needs of your missions. We take care of selecting the right equipment from the thousands of brands on the market and offering
them at the best prices.
Survival tips……
For all wild adventure enthusiasts and expedition enthusiasts, it is essential always to have equipment available during outdoor activities. To be ready for any situation and to take no
chances, never go into a hostile environment without having first chosen the right survival equipment according to your output. Hiking, trekking, camping, whatever your activity,
survival equipment can save your life in case of dangerous situations or unforeseen.
Hungry wilderness never leaves without a survival kit. Gathering essential tools, they have been designed to accompany you in your escapades, both at sea and in the mountains.
Reliable, lightweight and durable, survival gear cannot be improvised. An adventure in
nature is prepared upstream. Select all the essential tools and survival kit to slip into your
backpack before you leave.
Survival books…
This website has a wide range of book on survival kits or survival in environments deemed
hostile, such as the forest, the high seas, or public transport.
With our best survival books to make you ready to face any change. With our survival books, you can be able to adapt to all situations and find solutions on how you will be safe
and escape danger. Whether you are going for survival camping or hiking you don’t have to
be afraid; with our advice and tips on how to survive, it would be an easy thing for you to survive.
The idea is mainly to interest the reader and pushes him to improve his daily safety, the tone is not always serious, and the information certainly cannot be exhaustive. Who knows,
what you learn here may save your life someday…
Outdoor activities…
If you enjoy outdoor activities, camping in the mountains or if you like to be careful when leaving the house, you should always have a survival kit in your camping bag or car.
The Survival Kits are a set of tools that come in a small, lightweight and convenient
carrying case that can certainly help you resolve any unforeseen or emergency situations. For it to be really useful, you need to know how to use it, and here we tell you how.
As an individual, you can perfect your equipment by providing you directly ordering on our
site. You will probably learn more about the site from the dedicated Facebook page or by
subscribing to the newsletter.
3 Basic Survival Skills
All you need to live is air, water, food, and shelter. Certainly, but when fate plays tricks
upon us, the cold or the heat, the lack of food, the wild animals, the wounds and the
discouragement become real threats. Here are what to do when stuff goes wrong to survive.
Build a Shelter
- Tie a rope tightly between two trees (perpendicular to the wind) to extend a tarp in the
direction of its length. Secure the ends of the canvas with stakes or rocks. There is no tree? Improvise masts with walking sticks or branches (not too dry) and immobilize them in the ground before stretching the rope.
2. Is it raining? Install a stick near the tarpaulin to support the rope: the water sliding on it to the shelter will flow on the stick.
3. No rope or a lot of wind? Attach one side of the tarpaulin to the floor (facing the wind), raise the middle of the opposite side and attach it to a walking stick (here, the duct tape will be your best friend). Attach the other sides to the floor.
4. No tarpaulin? Find a huge branch that you will diagonally support on a tree. Make walls with thinner branches by leaning against the main one.
5. Look around you too: find a natural windbreak and use the elements providing protection (rocky promontory, land encroachment, a canopy of trees, cave) as a basis for your installation.
Find water
- Generally, prevent thirst by drinking regularly. In a critical situation, drink little and often: it is better not to ration to remain alert. Stay in the shade, eat little, breathe through the nose: this will allow you to keep your strength. In winter, think about melting ice rather than snow: you’ll get more water for the same energy you spend.
2. If you do not have a map, the most logical way to find a water point is to find an elevated observation site to judge the location of the valleys or crevasses to which the water flows. Also, watch for lush vegetation.
3. In the absence of a water point, collect rainwater. Also, collect dew on the vegetation with a cloth or by walking with an absorbent cloth tied around your calves
4. The solar still works by condensation. Dig a hole (45 cm deep by 90 cm in diameter) and put in fresh non-toxic plants. Place a container in the center and close the hole with an ideally transparent plastic sheet sealed on the sides with rocks and place another in the center to drain the water into the container.
Eat! Hmm………
Not easy to become a hunter like our ancestors. In need, these few sources of energy will be welcome:
- Enjoy small fruits: blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, fragrant brambles,
cloudberry, etc. Avoid those you do not know.
2. In the ray of young shoots or leaves, several are raw edible like those of cabbage fat, as
are the young leaves of daisies and those of dandelion.
3. The inner bark of some trees is edible (like that of yellow birch) just like some buds
(maple, elm, pine, and fir). The samenesses maples (you know, these little “helicopters”!) are edible.
4. In the marine environment, choose young, firm and smooth seaweeds. Cooked or dried
(sometimes raw), most form a good survival food, but some are excessively laxative …
5. Insects are rich in protein: caterpillars (pale, green or brown), grasshoppers, crickets or
locusts can save your life. Remove thorny legs and wings. Eat them raw or cooked
(preferably to eliminate parasites or bacteria). Consume phytophagous insects, that is to
say, those that feed on plants.
Beware: brightly colored critters can make you sick.
Orient yourself (Northern Hemisphere)
The biggest evidence is the most neglected: bring a topographic map, a compass (or a
GPS) and learn to use them correctly. For those who do not want to take this precaution,
Here are some ways to find the north:
- By having the local time (that of the sun), hold a watch horizontally and direct the hour
hand towards the sun. The south is the midpoint between this needle and the number “12”.
This thing loses its effectiveness by getting closer to the equator.
2. Plant a stick of one meter and put a pebble on the ground at the end of the shade. Wait for 20
minutes and mark the new end of the shadow of a second pebble. The line between these
two landmarks forms the west-east axis (the first pebble indicates the west). At midday,
the shadow will point to the north.
3. Nature also offers some clues: moss usually grows on the north side of trees or pebbles. If
the night is clear, the North Star will also show you the North.